Putting slavery in perspective generations later

Tom DeWolf and Sharon Morgan arrive at Richmond, Va., their last stop on a road trip through 21 states spanning 6,000 miles. Outside the Manchester Docks on the James River, DeWolf wants to show Morgan the Slave Trail, which he saw two years earlier with colleagues from Coming to the Table.
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Crime Beat February 11-16

Tuesday, 2/11 8:19 a.m. – A librarian at the DiMenna-Nyselius Library reported an incident of graffiti. The phrase “truth is treason in an empire of lies,” was written on a wall in the first floor men’s bathroom.

Told by Drudoll: Mix-n-Match

Fashion is all about taking risks with colors, patterns and styles. If you want to change up your style, you don’t need to go on a shopping spree. Experiment with the clothes right in your closet. Some outfit combinations may appear unusual at first because you are not used to the change, but the only way to expand your fashion sense is to be more open-minded to different looks.

Best Bites: Paci

Paci’s architecture and ambiance was the brilliant vision of Italian owner, Bob Patchen. A massive clock is powerfully projected on the wall parallel to the mezzanine level dining area. Eighteen years ago, Paci was the Southport Train Station depot; Patchen bought the building and took out the second floor to open up the space.
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Letter to the Editor

To the President, the Board of Trustees and the Academic Council: Last August, the Mentor course management system was abruptly shut down by Chief Information Officer Paige Francis, creating enormous disruption for some 500 courses, as well as assessment and accreditation processes in multiple schools and departments. The Academic Council asked the Educational Technology Committee to investigate “what led to the decision, how the decision was made and the appropriateness of the decision.”
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Fairfield Spring Sports Preview: Part 1

Even though the weather outside is frightful, spring sports at Fairfield are still going ahead as scheduled. This is the first half of our coverage of the teams that will be taking the field for the later months of the semester.
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iPick, YouListen

New Politics - “Harlem” - My mom sent me this song about a year ago and to this day I listen to it religiously. This alternative pop song makes you want to jump around and dance like no one is watching. It speaks to being a young adult growing up in New York and how when you’re this young, enjoying life should be a priority.