Most people have a love/hate relationship with celebrities. We will put them on a pedestal when they do something admiral, but when they make a bad decision, we are quick to criticize.

However, with everything that is happening in the world it is hard to believe how captivated people are by celebrities. The war in Iraq, genocide in Darfur, AIDS in Africa, Isaiah Washington going into rehab?

For the majority of people, reasons for going into rehab would include alcoholism, drug addiction or eating disorders.

Celebrities, on the other hand, can go to rehab for reasons that seem a little outrageous: Michael Richards for racism; Lindsay Lohan reportedly not for drugs and alcohol, but for a love addiction relating to her unrequited crush on “Spiderman” actor James Franco.

Are these reasons to go to rehab? Can these people be helped or are they just media whores? Do we even care?

Although it seems trivial and ridiculous, most people do care about the lives of our beloved celebrities; they are America’s royalty after all. We can’t get enough pictures of Paris Hilton buying Starbucks, which keep blogs buzzing and tabloids flying off of shelves. Much like royalty of other countries, we want our celebrities to set good examples and to be relatable.

We would rather see someone like Robin Williams get assistance for alcoholism than see any of the above celebrities get help. Maybe it is because he has a legitimate problem in which he has opted to seek help. We can forgive Williams for his trouble.

One recent celebrity that has unforgivably faltered is Isaiah Washington of ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy.”

He repeatedly used a derogatory slur against his gay cast mate, T. R. Knight. It is clear how the public feels about Washington, since ratings dropped significantly after the incident.

Is this an issue in which to seek rehabilitation for? No. If one has acquired such prejudice, it is doubtful that a stint in rehab will cure you of such issues. What Washington needs is to get a reality check and to be fired. There are many online petitions to get Washington fired, and I have gladly signed one.

One reason we care so much about celebrities is because they can essentially get away with murder. If any normal person used such a term in the work place, they would be fired immediately. Why? Because it is offensive and inappropriate. The same should go for celebrities.

Whether they want to be or not, the rich and famous are considered role models. This doesn’t mean that they should be exceptions to society. Celebrities should have the same common decency and sense as anyone else. Maybe we need more examples like Bono in Hollywood, who not only keeps a positive public image, but raises awareness about AIDS with his (PRODUCT) RED campaign.

For now, we should be more selective about who we decide to put up on pedestals in order not to encourage this scandalous behavior.

Hopefully, the next time we pick up a tabloid, Paris Hilton will be doing something more worthy of print than going to Starbucks. Volunteering perhaps?

You never know.

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