The beginning of this season of ‘Grey’s Anatomy‘ has been pretty flat; Izzie’s bizarre hallucinations seemed to go on for far too long, and the two episodes that were paired with ‘Private Practice’ weren’t all that exciting either. So, I am happy to announce that the drama encapsulated in the March 12 airing of the hit show was just the remedy needed for ‘Grey’s’ to pick back up.

As previously alluded to, Izzie is sick, and continues to have her interns focus on diagnosing ‘Patient X,’ who they don’t know is really Izzie herself. The interns can’t find anything wrong with the patient, and so they all agree ‘she’s fine.’ However, being that Izzie knows she is not fine, she orders the interns to go over the case again.

Derek remains in a deep depression and refuses to go to work after he lost his pregnant patient and was hit by a lawsuit. Though Mark is at work, he hasn’t been able to operate because his hand is still wounded after his fist fight with Derek. It seems as though no doctor is able to operate during the show after Cristina cuts her arm after waking Owen up from a nightmare.

Derek’s depression becomes even more serious after he meets with his lawyers, and they give him the bad news that he has in fact lost more patients than he has saved. Meredith tries to console him by telling him to look at the picture, and to realize that most of the patients he lost were terminally ill, but there is no cheering Derek up in this episode.’ Apparently there’s no cheering up Richard, either; especially since Miranda has decided to go into pediatrics, and because Derek walks out of the hospital.

The episode continues to focus on Izzie, as Lexie (‘little Grey’) announces a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma; Izzie asks for the prognosis, and the interns respond by saying that the patient will only have a few months to live. The interns expect a prize for their diagnosis, but Izzie tells them that the only prize they are awarded is the mere knowledge that they didn’t screw up, and that they are finally beginning to act like doctors. After the interns leave Izzie, Lexie returns and Izzie asks how she would break such news to the patient. She responds by saying she would urge the patient to face the illness and fight.

Richard and Miranda finally resolve their conflict after Adele enters the scene and yells at the two of them for acting childish, while Alex makes a diagnosis that could either save or kill a young girl plagued with seizures. When Alex is proven right, he is told that he could be ‘the future of this hospital.’ Excited over the good news, Alex rushes to let Izzie know, and tells her to forget about ‘Patient X’ and to start focusing on more important things.
After just three days without Derek, his patients begin to move to other hospitals. Not knowing where else to turn, Richard asks Meredith for her help in bringing Derek back, and informs her that Derek is planning to propose. Cristina mends her relationship with Owen by telling him ‘it’s going to take more than a bad dream to scare me off,’ and Lexie tells Mark that they shouldn’t give up on their relationship either.

A tense, dramatic ending to the episode ensues when Meredith arrives at Derek’s place to find him still depressed and drunk. She tells him that he can’t quit, and lets him know that she found out he is planning to propose; Derek reveals the engagement ring, and proceeds to hit it with a bat into the distance before telling Meredith to go home.
Finally, Izzie chooses to tell Cristina of all people about her illness since she knows she can handle the news.

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