In a world where the white male is slowly losing his grip on the power structure (i.e. the Democratic presidential race), one area where he still has control is corporate America. Men make more money than women of similar positions, which comes as no surprise.

Sure there are women out there who are more qualified than men; I am not denying that. I’m actually all for women in the workforce. I mean who else is going to answer the phone, do paperwork, make coffee and schedule meetings?

In all seriousness, men get paid more than women because of the fundamental difference between our genders.

It’s not sexism at work here, it’s biology. Men are the bread winners because women are the baby makers. Most women do not put their careers first, and I don’t blame them. There are more important things in life than ruling the business world, but without the man bringing home the bacon, family life is not as easy. Everyone who says money is meaningless is wrong.

Men are the more reliable workers. They won’t have to quit their jobs, like many women do, or take maternity leave to have and raise children.

The business leaders of America are not stupid. When it comes to paying women, they are simply hedging their bets. It’s as simple as that. Quite frankly, it’s these decisions that got men where they are in the first place.

Men are more primed for success out of the gate because they don’t have these biological hurdles to overcome. Only one of Fortune’s top 50 companies has a female CEO, and just 12 of the top 500 do. It’s not sexism, it’s numbers.

This all harps back to another critical difference between men and women. Men have clear, cohesive thoughts and women are irrational. Think about the last time you had an argument with your mother. Did she say anything that made any logical sense? Do you want her running a company with that kind of thought process? I know I don’t, but she can still cook me dinner.

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