Best? Gonzaga Hall

If you’re going to be living in a dorm, cramped space, a roommate and a shared bathroom are all pretty inevitable. However, Gonzaga Hall offers a little something extra: a great location. The average college student is pretty lazy; I mean with all the boozing, studying, boozing … you get the picture. Therefore, the ability to simply roll out of bed Friday morning and walk just a few yards to your class in Canisius is key. And when you awake with a nasty hangover from the cheap beer you drank the night before, the lovely cafeteria is only a minute’s walk away. The luckiest dorm residents of all are the ones who snag the Gonzaga rooms on the lower level. These, which were formerly used as administrative offices, are all fully-carpeted and boast nice ceilings; dorm life just doesn’t get any better.

Worst? Dolan Hall

Dolan Hall gets dubbed worst dorm every year and it doesn’t take much to figure out why. Dolan is located in the far corner of the campus. Unless you’re a frequent visitor of the Health Center and Computing and Networking Services, you’ll probably find that this isolated location is pretty inconvenient. The shuttles are a poor attempt to alleviate this situation, as they never seem to be running on-time or when they are needed most. It would be remiss not to mention the alleged Dolan ghost who is rumored to haunt the dorm. Yet, some students do enjoy the ability to live in a single and claim that they enjoy looser control even Public Safety officers would rather not bother making the hike up there. However, bringing a special someone you picked up at the bar back to your room may prove a little difficult; if the ghost rumors don’t scare him or her away, the thought is a ridiculously long walk of shame the next morning probably will.

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