Occasionally a run in with a band at a performance or a purchase of a CD leads to finding something new or different. While at a convention in Baltimore, Maryland, I ran into Day One, a group out of Nashville who perform music aiming to provide a positive message. Some of it is religious; some of it is designed to simply inspire to meet your dreams. Some songs are clearly written as a Christian style, some are remakes or reworked hits to fit their positive philosophy. The group consists of four members: Dustin Scott, Joslyn Treadway, Shelly Justice, and Patrick Roberts. I had a chance to see them perform, and I interviewed them and their drummer/producer, Garth Justice, last Saturday.
1. How did you get started with music?
Jocelyn: Shelly, Garth and I sang together in a vocal ensemble. We all attended the same college, Leigh University. Darin sang there. Patrick sang there later. That’s where we started.
Patrick: We all grew up singing in church.
J: We all came in at different times [to the band].
Garth: We had to wait for Patrick until he hit puberty. P-U-B-E…
P: As the four of us we’ve been together one year. The group is in its twelfth year.
2. What are your musical influences?
P: We all listen to different things.
J: Of course gospel. The Winans, Truth…
P: The Kingsmen…
G: We all love James Taylor, Sting, and R’B.
J: We’re not big into country, even though we live in Nashville…
P: I like country…
Darin: Our music shows how diverse we are.
3. What kinds of things inspire you to write a song?
G: Recently, putting in our favorite CDs, listening to music, we get ideas from there. Sometimes we get it from an idea, a hook…
Shelly: Sometimes I’ll take a tune and put words to the music.
4. Your band was originally called Soul’d Out and you changed it to Day One. What was the original reason for calling yourself Soul’d Out and why the name change to Day One?
D: As for Soul’d Out, the name looked really cool on a T-shirt and it showed how we were really committed to something. But there are a million jokes about the name. We do a lot of international touring. Day One means “new beginning” – to make the day start as something new for the rest of your life.
5. Some of your songs take existing songs , such as Anastacia’s “I’m Outta Love,” and turn it into an inspirational song (in this case, “On My Way”). What inspires you to take songs and turn them into something uplifting?
D: Because the people we sing to like that – it’s familiar.
P: [In the case of “I’m Outta Love”] The drive. – it’s got a great beat.
G: We like to take something somebody’s done and improve it.
J: There’s not a lot of inspirational music out there.
D: Songs today are too politically motivated.
6. In terms of songs out there, such as “Music of My Heart” or “Love is Alive,” how do you choose the songs that you faithfully remake?
D: It’s a group decision.
G: We try to choose songs that move us.
P: “Music of My Heart” is good enough.
G: “Win” [off the Dare to Dream CD] was a Brian McKnight song.
7. What is your favorite song off your latest CD, “Dare to Dream”?
G: My favorite would be “Win.”
D: “Win” is probably my favorite.
J: “Music of My Heart” – Everyone sings the song.
S: “Dare to Dream.”
J: We like the ballads!
8. Many of your songs have an inspirational tone. How do you feel about your songs being able to reach and inspire so many people?
P: It really is a major focus. We’re actually planning a motivational CD to go to anyone and not just be as specific in general.
J: That should be out in the summer.
G: Also it’s not just to motivate to build better lives and dreams, but be closer to God.
9. You have an internet Web site, dayonemusic.com – how do you feel about the internet as a tool to reach people with your music?
D: Great – the Web site’s fairly new. It’s gotten a lot of great response. dayonemusic.com’s a great site. dayonemusic.com, dayonemusic.com, dayonemusic.com…
P: We felt like we should utilize a tool as big as that.
G: It’s truly worldwide.
P: It’s the best available tool – it’s a truly interactive site.
10. What is your favorite part of performing and recording?
J: I like to interact with the crowd.
G: I love to record and the creativity in the studio. The real fun is translating that to the stage and seeing how people react.
11. What is your favorite part of touring?
P: Well, none of us are sight-seers.
J: If we go out of the country, I take the opportunity to explore.
P: The best part about traveling is seeing people’s reactions.
S: Every country is different.
D: dayonemusic-
.com as I said.
12. What is the ultimate goal of your music.
D: To see people’s lives changed.
13. Any last words?
G: Bet it all on red.
D: We’re not trying to hide it – we’re a Christian organization.
P: We do a big outreach at Christmas time to help inner city children and their families called the Noel project. We just want to see people’s lives changed and touched.
J: We perform at the project, provide children with toys and food baskets…
P: Everything they need at Christmas time and have Christmas itself. They walk in looking down and embarrassed. We’re happy – our music ministered to them – and then they soften up and were touched by the music.
G: And bet it all on red.
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