When I started this tradition last year, I didn’t realize at the time that Frank is the ultimate tradition killer. I think he wanted this one killed too, but it was still entertaining enough to print. Plus, getting to use the word ass in a column always amuses me. So here goes nothing:
1. As Editor in Chief, did you get any special perks, such as getting to use the word “ass” in any of your columns or something like that? I don’t think I need to use the word ass in any of my columns to make people mad at me. But other than that, no. Well, other then getting to listen to Kylie Minogue. Going early with the “Josh likes Kylie” jokes, huh?
2. What was your favorite part of working on The Mirror? Definitely not Steph! (Steph):OHHHHHHHH I would say it was definitely the opportunity to work with great people for a year and in an office bigger than our advisor’s.
3. Now that people see what actually goes on Tuesday nights thanks to our fishbowl windows in the Campus Center, do you think we’ll be shut down next year over it? It depends on if a certain editor keeps getting hickeys or not. Also, if Chris Zeitz cuts his mullet it’ll be OK.
4. As a newspaper man, do you think it’s your job to break the news or determine what makes the news? Actually, most of the stuff I make up myself. Seriously, it’s a little bit of doing both. I’d like to think we do a good job of preserving the accurate facts of every situation applicable.
5. Does The Mirror “reflect” what’s happening on campus or is the name a misnomer? I would’ve preferred to have it named something like the “Fulcrum” or the “Vignette,” but that’s inside baseball. I’d like to think we do a great job with what happens on campus.
6. Are you going to miss staying up until 4 a.m. cleaning up pages, fixing last minute typos, and watching “The Obsournes” in the office? Well, I’ll watch “The Obsournes” anyway. I will miss each and every one of you. I love all my children equally.
7. Have you become friends with a lot of people on campus, or have you just resorted to ass-kissing to save time? I think I’ve become friends with less people since I took this job, to be honest with you. And “The Duke” really isn’t into ass kissing. Shout out to Tim Goss.
8. What was the one thing you found most annoying about working at The Mirror besides Ethan Fry? I don’t think there’s anything more annoying than Ethan Fry. I think listening to Sean’s Euro-brit-underground-pop stuff is really getting on my nerves.
9. New York Times : One of the US’s best newspapers :: The Mirror : _______________? On newsstands everywhere. Within a 2-block radius. Actually, I think The Mirror is amongst the best weekly college newspapers in the country. (Steph) You’re not biased. Shout out to being biased.
10. Let’s play the pyramid: six computers, one printer, 25 people fighting over them… Dude, you’re getting a Dell! That’s correct! DING!
11. Who is the real Frank Washkuch? I mean, REALLY? “The Duke” is.
12. Frankly speaking, do you think the Clam Jam tradition will return in some form? Well, I’m a little afraid I’ll get subpoena’d if I answer this, but I’d have to say that I hope sometime in the near future the university and the town of Fairfield will allow student leaders to plan a Spring Weekend like every other university has.
13. Who’s more sexy, Stephanie Sierzputowski (Campus Life Editor) or Stephanie Holland, (of FUSA fame)? Steph (pointing to the Campus Life editor) is our cutie.
14. Which artist should just stop recording music? That “Oops There Goes My Shirt” girl – could she just die or something? She sucks. I hope she goes away.
15. After spending four years here, what one thing at Fairfield do you think needs to change the most? I think they should switch our offices with FUSA because they need the room. I’m gonna name a few things because I’m an outgoing patriarch. I wish my townhouse would stop leaking natural gas. Shout out to Neal Koopmann – the one kid in Germany who reads The Mirror.
16. What advice would you give to freshmen about their college years here? Be happy you didn’t go to Villanova. Don’t complain – do something about it. Don’t be a victim of student apathy.
17. What advice would you give to incoming Editor in Chief Sean Hayes other than “don’t have chair races on the first floor of the BCC”? I would tell Sean to stop dressing like he just got back from a poet’s colony and buy some real clothes.
18. Is there anything you would’ve changed about your four years here at Fairfield? I would’ve never been an R.A. for a year. I would’ve never promoted you, Josh. Well, if you didn’t, I just would’ve joined the alternative newspaper and wrote about sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.
19. Would you do it all again? Oh, of course. I would do it better. Except I would’ve done this whole interview in the third person.
20. Any last words? I have a few things to say. I want to say I support the idea of a Palestinian state, and if you will it dude, it is no dream. Theodore Hurtzel, State of Israel. Stop copying Ethan’s obscure references in print, OK?
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