The truth of the matter is, girls are scantily clad for Halloween and guys are…not. Because of this, I will recount a ghost story that should be read while under the influence of something (much like how this was written under the influence).
It was a night not unlike any other night. There were Halloween parties bustling in all the houses down at Fairfield Beach. The time of last call was quickly approaching and partygoers began to file out of houses. But the innocent bystander illuminated from the light of the Sea Grape the dressed up Parrott walking hurriedly down Fairfield Beach Road in an irregular pattern. Somethingvery horrifying must have happened to cause the Parrott to walk in such a wavering pattern.
Now at this point, reader, please be advised that the following can neither be disproven nor confirmed. But upon collapsing on his bed in the Blue Light, the Parrott decided he needed to go to the bathroom. Moving back to his bedchamber, the sight of a movement under the blue light of the house caught his eye. As the Parrott moved closer to light, a figure wavered in front of the Parrott. A tall man of at least 6’3 with slicked back hair, a mustache and a watering eye. “Get out of my house!” the Parrot tyelled. But the tall man just kept staring at the Parrott with his watering eye flowing.The water began to form a puddle. The Parott retreated into his room to sleep off his buzz and the horrors of what just had occurred.
The next day, the Parrott awoke feeling rested if not a little hungry. The Parrott told his roommates about the encounter, but no sooner had he recounted the watering eye than there was a crash from upstairs. Running furiously up the stairs the roommates witnessed what could only be an act of brute strength with perhaps the aid of a baseball bat or irregularly shaped hook. In any case, the pole that held the Parrott’s clothes up had snapped in half! The cause of the break was never determined. But it should be known that on certain evenings, a glance of greased hair has been seen stealing kegs, a watery puddle in its place.
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