I’d like to start my final column as your She Said with a congratulatory shout out to the happy couple and stars of this weekend’s Mock Wedding festivities, the Slowey’s. I hope the wedding night was all you dreamed it would be. If being the Adam to another person’s Pecora doesn’t scream true love, I don’t know what does.
Sad but true, Mock Wedding has come and gone and that means that the year is that much closer to being over. Pack up your stuff and say your goodbyes, kids. See ya next year … Oh, wait, no I won’t.
Life would be perfect if I could live at The Bunny forever, but we can’t always get what we want. Instead I’ll be hanging out with the fam in New Jersey, reliving the glory days and counting down the days until the five-year reunion.
If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’ve had a pretty great time over the last four years, but this one takes the cake. The Mirror basically turned me into a celebrity, which is awesome, but it also forced me to talk to Dan Stanczyk way more than I ever wanted (kidding!).
In all seriousness, even though Dan and I have what some would call a love/hate relationship, it’s definitely more love than hate and it was fun brainstorming ideas with him all year. I’m not going to lie though, if I never hear “Oh my God it’s He Said/She Said!” at the bar again, I won’t be terribly upset.
A couple of pieces of advice for my successor, whoever she may be: Drawing from your own life experiences as well as your girlfriends’ is always a big hit. You can’t go wrong with the truth, and using your friends’ awkward decisions and mistakes to entertain the entire student body is a good time all around.
You should also try to keep your relationship with your He Said strictly business – if you don’t, those Sunday night topic-choosing conversations could get a little weird.
In closing, even though I know you guys will miss seeing my gorgeous pic in the paper every week, find solace in the fact that you won’t have to see Stanczyk’s ever again.
And also, don’t take any of the “advice” I’ve given over the last 27 weeks seriously … I actually have no idea what I’m talking about.
As Fogel’s B.F.F. Evan likes to say, “Sorry!! Byeee!!”
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