I’ll be the first to admit it, I procrastinate. Every time I hear that little saying “procrastination is like masturbation, you’re only screwing yourself” I just have to laugh. Since about September I have gotten by with the bare minimum. Senoritis has hit me hard.

Procrastination is the key to success in college. It allows you to learn how to work well under pressure. Why write a paper that’s due in two days when you can spend a lovely evening at the bar, or possibly the Traffic Baron, and then finish the paper a few hours before it’s due?

Whether you are a girl or a guy, it doesn’t matter. Nothing ever gets done during the last few weeks of the semester. Who am I kidding, nothing has gotten done at all this semester.

For most Seniors, we are just praying that we finish with just enough to graduate. Although just for your reference, if a grade happens to miss the cut-off you can still walk and take 4 more exciting classes in the summer-you know, enrich your brains. So any way you put it, we are all graduating.

Some people already have jobs, some people are going to graduate school, others are going to enjoy the last summer of our lives. Why worry about my Capstone (which actually is almost done), when I can worry about how much money I am going to need to bring to the bar tonight?

If you have walked through the library at any point in the last few weeks I will bet you $20 that you will see people that A) you thought had dropped out of school, B) God knows you would never remember on a weekend night, or C) don’t see because you yourself never go to class either.

Procrastination is what works-for everyone. It’s an adrenaline rush. I have tried to make a “to-do” list and it ends up being a coaster for my cocktail. Personally I love these last few carefree days of our lives.

People who aren’t doing things at the last minute need to ask themselves if they are having any fun at all. Whether you pull all nighters-like someone I know-or if you are up at five to finish your paper for your 9 a.m., you gotta love the pressure.

Think about it positively, one night of hell for six nights of heaven, and for most, heaven is the bar.

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