As Fairfield students, we reside in a tiny bubble. There are 4,000 of us, all living within two miles of one another. It’s inevitable that you’re going to run into someone you know, no matter where you are – and chances are it’ll be your ex at Village Bagel after you’ve just rolled out of bed wearing part (if not all) of your outfit from the night before. Scenarios like this are unavoidable because it’s impossible to expect that we can look perfect all the time (though if you happen to be the girl who can, I hate you).

There are certain places you should probably avoid if you want to sidestep those awkward run-ins.

For those who have a meal plan, you should absolutely stay out of the BCC on Saturday and Sunday mornings. What’s worse than trying to enjoy some french toast while simultaneously trying to avoid eye contact with last night’s bed buddy who’s conveniently located two tables away?

The unfortunate souls who no longer have the privilege of dining in Barone still have to eat their weekend brunches – and they’ll probably do so at one of three places: Circle Diner, Village Bagel and Firehouse Deli. If any awkward/weird/inappropriate decisions were made on your part the night before and you have no interest in reliving them, stay away.

You know you’re going to want to run that bacon-egg-and-cheese sandwich off at the RecPlex later, but it’s in your best interest to get back in bed rather than risking running into anyone you wouldn’t want to see you ready to pass out after half a mile on the treadmill. This includes the circle of guys who seem to have an intense love affair going on with the weight room and refuse to leave the gym … ever. You know who you are.

After your attempted workout, you’re going to realize that it’s Sunday and you haven’t done an ounce of work. Your next thought is to hit the library, right? Wrong.

The DiMenna-Nyselius Library turns into Club DiMenna on Sunday evenings – it might as well be the Grape on a Tuesday night, except they let underclassmen in (including the one that you’re too embarrassed to tell your friends you have a crush on). I say, don’t even bother. Whatever happened to Sunday Funday anyway?

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