‘Twas the week of finals and all through the school,
students were packing for home, trying to forget Fairfield Rules.
security has some safety measures to show that they care, in hopes that when students return, personal belongings will still be there.
Fairfield Security Officer John Ritchie has some simple precautions that you can take over the winter vacation to ensure the safety of your personal belongings. Following these rules will ensure that your belongings remain yours.
1. Take home any valuables that you are able to, such as your DVD player, computer, and video game systems.
2. Ritchie also suggest taking home any CDs and DVDs with you because those are easily misplaced and not immediately noticed if they are missing.
3. When you return from Winter Break, do not bring back all of your jewelry. Just last week, a $6,000 Rolex was stolen out of a dorm room. Do not let this happen to you.
4. If you receive any electronics for Christmas, etch your driver’s license number into the item with an edger. If the item is stolen, police can track down the number and check if the item has been sold to a pawnshop.
5. Make an inventory list of all the valuable items that you have brought back with you to school, as well as those pricey items already in your dorm room. List the serial number of the item, as well as a description, including its color. Include expensive clothing on the list as well. Then, photocopy the list and give a copy to your parents. If you are missing something, this list that contains the missing item and description will make it easier to track down.
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