This fall, a new reality show on Bravo will be headed by “Project Runway’s” Tim Gunn. Gunn, who is known to ‘make it work,’ is now heading a “What Not To Wear”-type show called “Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style.”

The only reason anyone will be watching this show is because of Tim Gunn and the amazing things he says in his affluent manner. Everyone can appreciate how Gunn always ends up sounding nice even though what he is saying is sometimes mean.

Plus, with little time to spend keeping up with fashion during the school year it helps that this guru can lend his services in a quick television program.

So, before you walk out in those polka-dot overalls, just think what Tim Gunn would say.

Make sure to tune in to Gunn’s show on Thursdays at 10 p.m.

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