To many students, the RecPlex is a building they frequent often, trying to shed those few extra pounds or de-stress after a tough class. But to others, it is an avoided building whose inside was viewed only on a tour while they were still classified as “prospective applicants.”

According to Phil Palumbo, the director of recreation, last year was very successful with more people taking fitness classes, more intramural involvement, and an overall increase in traffic in and out of the building. One hundred percent of the class of 2006 and 2007 visited the gym at least once, as did three out of every four members of 2005 and 2004 classes.

Karly Sanders ’07 and Meredith White ’07 said they made regular visits last year, two or three times a week. They said it was easier to stick to their routines because they had each other for motivation. They primarily used the elliptical machines and cardio equipment.

Many Fairfield females agreed with Sanders and White that the weight room is less enjoyable because of its overpopulation of males.

Jason Martin, a RecPlex front desk employee, said most females seem to visit the gym on the weekends while males ultilize the facilities during the week. The RecPlex gets its most action from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. daily. The traffic gets worse as the weather gets colder, so try to find a time that works with your schedule as well as around the workout schedules of others. No one likes to wait half an hour for the machines!

But hopefully there will be less waiting this year, because much of the RecPlex has been rearranged to make room for nine new machines. Palumbo organized a new Nautilus circuit room with Cybex so women will have a place to weight train as well. He said last year they tried to have women-only hours, but they didn’t work out as planned.

He offers some tips for getting into shape and sticking to a routine.

“Be flexible,” said Palumbo. “People come in expecting to get on one type of machine and at peak hours; that just isn’t possible.”

He suggests cross training; try something new and not only will your workout become less monotonous, but you will also get into better shape.

So, what reasons do Fairfield students have to go to the gym? Kristie Davida ’08, finds that swimming laps helps her to relax and de-stress after a hard day of classes.

The next time those integrals get the best of you, my advice would be to lace up those Nikes. Who ever said that procrastination was a bad thing?

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