Yes, it’s that time of year again. Either you are one of the lucky few who go out and buy anything and everything pink and red for their loved one, or you’re one of the many who sit and watches as the nightmare of Valentine’s Day comes and goes. No longer is Valentine’s Day a day to be enjoyed by all. It has become a holiday when couples drown themselves with cliches of love and singles drown their woos with the bottle.
Where did it all go wrong? What happened to the day when everyone in your homeroom gave everyone else a Valentine’s Day card? Even if I was the ugliest girl in the class, I still was guaranteed a valentine from the class cutie. Maybe the box of tear-away-snoopy-cards were a couple bucks less that the dozen red roses, but does that make them any less special?
The fun of having a crush on Valentine’s Day has lost it’s splendor. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still fun to walk by your crush maybe catching a brief “hello” on the way to class. The reality is, no matter how optimistic you choose to be on Valentine’s Day, your crush isn’t going to leave a card or flower on your homeroom desk.
There are some small distractions that can dull the blade of being single on V-Day. It is inevitable that every restaurant will be full on Valentine’s Day, either with couples or groups of girls deciding to join forces against their depression and go out for a healthy girl’s night out. Mom and Grandma might even remember to send you a card reminding you just how much they love you. You’re sure to appreciate your family cards as you go to your mailbox and see the never ending line of people waiting to pick up a sent package or flowers from their loved one.
It’s as though you’re short and your walking around on a holiday that celebrates being tall, your bound to feel out of place. Despair not though, for this too shall pass. Make yourself feel better by realizing that you are not spending obscene amounts of money to prove to someone you care. If you’re really bold, go up to your crush, if he/she doesn’t know who you are, introduce yourself, if they do know who you are create some sort of interesting dialogue. One that you’d be proud to run back and disclose to your roommate.
As we get older Valentine’s day gets more complicated and more depressing. The simple joys of a snoopy card on your homeroom desk have long gone. But who says that we can’t still go back to the simple thrills of having a crush on Valentine’s day? Don’t sit and watch this ridiculous holiday pass you by with a grimace. Muster some courage and give yourself something to smile about. At least get a good giggle in this year. Good luck and Happy Valentine’s Day to all!
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