B-R-A-A-A-V-O has nothing to offer besides the opportunity to sip $8 chocolate martinis while conversing with divorced women about their high paying jobs. Have you learned nothing from this overpriced university? On a Tuesday night at the Grape, if you can drink four vodka tonics for $8, why would you venture to Bravo, and pay four times as much? Similarly, let’s just say that Bravo is analogous with the ’06ers Black Rock and Blue; there’s no scanner, get my drift. Lastly, I will admit that if I had an urge for an exotic beverage, Bravo would be my first choice. But, we are college students, not cocktail connoisseurs, meaning we drink to get drunk. Finally, need I even mention location? Maneuvering a car out of a parallel parking spot after three drinks is not the best idea you’ve had. Why waste the time or money? Just walk to the Grape.
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