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Sharp rise in ’05 college-age depression

by Audrey Adade Are you experiencing anxiety, fatigue, loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, oversleeping, appetite and weight changes, feelings of hopelessness, difficulty concentrating, and irritability? You could be suffering from depression.
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Largest freshman class in years poses problems for University

Students of the class of 2009 are saying that it is pretty clear that Fairfield administrators were not ready for the approximately 90 extra freshmen admitted this year. "The challenges I've faced, with having a large class, are dealing with administration and staff who weren't prepared for a class of this size," said Sarah McQueen '09.
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Books or business suits after graduation?

By Audrey Adade The countdown has been set. With seven months until graduation, many seniors are scrambling to decide whether they will continue their studies in graduate school or enter the real world. Ed Reis '06 has decided to go into the workforce, a decision most Fairfield University graduates opt for.
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The Ak attack: Where’s the pride?

When I envisioned college, I saw dorm buildings, big parties, loads of work to do, and doing much less of it than I should along with late night trips to Dunkin' Donuts. Fairfield has certainly met all of those expectations, yet Fairfield has lacked on its involvement of the students with our athletic programs.
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Editorial: Cheers ‘ Boos

CHEERS to Fairfield University's response to Hurricane Katrina. The fostering of 49 students from Loyola College New Orleans and Tulane University a clear and measured sacrifice on the part of the university communicty to assist those affected by the worst natural disaster in American history.
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Fairfield and AHANA work to promote diversity on campus

by Audrey Adade It has been a long and slow battle, but Fairfield University is becoming diverse and multicultural as its demographics change this year with faculty hires and efforts to attract more minority students. Andrea Hevia '06 has spent four years at Fairfield without many minority professors to help serve as role models for her and other students.
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Audrey’s Adages: Katrina Response wasn’t handled properly

The slow response of the federal government to the Hurricane Katrina disaster raises the question: Is the United States prepared for any future domestic catastrophes like 9/11? The category-four hurricane was detected in advance similar to the prior warnings of terrorist attacks before 9/11.
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Doody Calls: Sounding off about nation’s response to Katrina

If there was any doubt that George W. Bush is the single worst president in modern history, the amazing incompetence he displayed in his inaction to Hurricane Katrina should set that claim in stone. In the wake of the worst natural disaster to hit the United States in at least a century, it is worse than tragic that Americans should have to question their Commander-in-Chief.
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Cait’s Irate Complaint: Leave your cell phones at home

No cell phone. No iPod. No Facebook membership. No caller id or DSL. That is how I go through life, and although my friends loathe the fact that I am the epitome of anti-technology girl, I truly love it. With the increasing use of technological devices, people have become less sociable and more insecure.
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Editorial: A Pathetic Start?

As a new academic year begins, Fairfield students have a wealth of opportunities before them. There are clubs to join, jobs to interview for, and events to attend. In the midst of all this, we should remember that an important part of college life is to participate in university activities as a campus community.