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EDITORIAL: They might be watching you

In order to ensure safety on campus, the university has added more surveillance cameras. So, those electronic eyes now sweep across campus rolling even more film. These cameras will certainly serve as a deterrent. They might even catch a criminal and help the courts carry out justice.
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The Flaming Lips, "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots": My favorite album of 2002, by far. The Lips mix techno and acoustic guitars in a way that has never been done before. A concept classic. Jimmy Eat World, "Clarity": Their 2001 album was amazing, "Clarity" is even better.
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ART REVIEW: Art after Fairfield

Sometimes I feel awkward in art museums. There's nothing but innovation and imagination swirling around, and there I am, a kid from New Jersey, standing in awe in the middle of it all, in faded jeans and a shoe lace untied. How can a human as ordinary as me create something as profound as what proudly hangs in museums? Fast forward to last Tuesday night.
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CD REVIEW:Buried treasures in mtv2’s new CD

Let's imagine that I am a pirate— pegleg and all, and I have been lost in a desert for about five days— no food, no water. All I have is a map promising the finest treasure any diehard explorer could dream of unearthing. Somehow, I manage to find that X that marks the spot and I pop my pegleg off and dig for hours in the scorching sunlight.
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Rusted Root: the Interview with Michael Glabicki

There were four of us sitting there on the lawn behind Alumni as the sun went down: me, my brother, my cousin, and a rock star. Michael Glabicki, lead singer of Rusted Root, leaned back against the brick wall like he was just as at home right there on the grass as he is onstage wailing away on his guitar.
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CD REVIEW: A hint of what’s to come from U2

On rainy days we'd go swimming out On rainy days swimming in the sound On rainy days we'd go swimming out You're in my mind all of the time... As much as I want to believe that Bono wrote the above in an impassioned note to me declaring his undying love, alas, no: they are lyrics from U2's latest single, "Electrical Storm.