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The Real World, Fairfield: Follow the true stories of seven freshmen

Followed around campus by cameras until they graduate, seven students from the class of 2007 will be the stars of a four-year documentary temporarily nicknamed "4D." "The documentary's first driving vision is to focus on the major life changes that these students go through; their triumphs and failures, their success stories and how they deal with the growing up process of college," said John Ur, Fairfield's digital media and television producer who is in charge of the process.
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Students damned over debt load

Congratulations, you have just graduated Fairfield University. Now here is a $25,000 loan you have to pay off. "I'm not looking forward to paying off my loans," said Brian LaBelle '05. "Having to pay 10 grand is a lot, especially when I will have to pay rent and car payments.
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Before they were stars: “Famous” alumni reap benefits of a Fairfield education

Did you really think that Charles F. Dolan and Thomas J. Walsh were Fairfield's only claim to fame? Just because the university doesn't have a building named after every graduate who has "made it big" doesn't mean the success stops there. Many graduates who don't have their names on Fairfield buildings yet are successful because of the hard work they put into their educations.
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Overcrowded classrooms leave room for complaints

If you're annoyed that your classrooms are so overcrowded that you can barely move your hand to take notes, you are not alone. Professor and student complaints have risen this year, making Fairfield look like it is incapable of accommodating its students. "My professor said our classroom was too small when she saw students writing on their laps," said Shawna Murray '06.
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Athlete food drive sparks conflicts

The Student Athlete Committee has been running a Thanksgiving food drive for the past two weeks. Fairfield teams wanted a group project for the fall that was practical and not time consuming, because of how busy student athletes are. The food drive seemed like a valuable cause that easily allowed everyone to be involved.
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A professor by any other name…

The relationship between a student and professor is a hard one. Can you become close enough to call your professor by his or her first name? Do you feel disrespectful or more comfortable in doing so? These questions will race through your mind when you encounter a professor who prefers to be called by his or her first name.
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There’s no escaping tuition

You're a senior in college, almost done with your credits, and have a few more tuition payments you need to take care of. There's nothing scarier than writing a huge check just as you're about to enter into the real world penniless. You think to yourself, "I've already taken all my classes, maybe I can get out of this.
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Hyped up hurricane fails to hit Fairfield’s shores

I felt like a little kid as I checked Weather Bug and plastered my eyes to The Weather Channel, refusing to let my roommate touch the remote. I felt guilty, but I couldn't help it- I wanted to get hit by Hurricane Isabel. I needed to get out of a quiz. In the past, I've always believed weather reports, despite their tendencies towards inaccuracy.
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HE SAID: Split the bill or pay the way?

Fairfield University is full of gold digging girls. But yes, Fairfield is also full of rich preppy boys who have spent their entire life using their charm and most importantly their money to get exactly what they want. They came to the right place. In one sentence I could redeem myself and say that the men are supposed to pay for everything.
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To the editor: Picture this scenario: it is September 10, and I am at home in New York, instead of at school in Connecticut. For the second straight year, I am at the place where I was longing to come to following the September 11 attacks my freshman year at Fairfield.