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Students confused over fines, repairs in residences

Damages such as holes, dirt and paint chips in dorms and other campus residences are problematic for students year after year. This year continues to be no different, but what is being done about it? "None of the damages [in my apartment] were handled prior to my arrival this fall," said Laura Landis '03.
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More construction looms

Just when we thought that campus construction was finally coming to a halt, it turns out that there will be more to come by the end of spring. Alumni Hall is to be renovated, but before this plan is carried out, the RecPlex must be expanded, according to Mark Reed, dean of students.
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Fairfield unlikely to allow coed rooms

You arrive on campus for your first day, excited. Daddy's little girl is about to embark on the amazing four years of life known as college. The door swings open to your room and in walks a guy. Guess what, ladies: he's your neighbor. Some universities are starting to offer coeducational and homosexual living quarters according to a recent survey by the New York Times.
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Campus Crime Beat

Monday, September 9 12:46p.m. - There was a power outage on campus resulting from a break in the power line between the CUF and library. Power was returned at 4:15p.m. Tuesday, September 10 11:01p.m. - Two residents were caught smoking marijuana in Regis.
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No ifs, ands or butts: Smoking banned in the dorm

It is a rainy and cold mid-September afternoon. You are relaxing in your dorm room, chatting with friends on Instant Messenger, and your roommate arises from the futon in desperate search for a lighter. After asking you if you have seen it, your roommate catches sight of the black Bic lighter protruding out from an old pizza box on the floor.
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Grad school, here we come!

Erik J. Lowe, '02, former marketing and management major, did everything he was supposed to. He studied hard and graduated in the top half of his class. He participated in such extracurricular activities as FUSA senate and orientation facilitator. He double majored and held an internship senior year.
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Softball: Starting fresh

Having struggled through its non-conference schedule this season, the softball team is eager to start fresh this weekend when its conference schedule begins.