Post-Midterm Concerts

Students, rejoice! Midterms are done and we have officially kicked off the later half of the fall semester. While Halloween is slowly approaching, we often find ourselves thinking of plans that distract us...

Remembering Tom Petty

The Great American Songbook is often referred to as the great canonical textbook of the history of modern American music, tracing the roots of jazz and traditional music through the crooning orchestral tunes...

A Recap of September’s Top Albums

Greetings audiophiles and music nerds. September has been quite a prolific month for album releases as both long-anticipated records and outstanding premiers took center-stage for the month. With over 100...

Enjoy Your Semester with Fall Concerts

With syllabus week out of the way and assignments already surmounting, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and forget to have some fun. As for many, live music is a way to achieve that desired academic break and...

Remembering Brian Fusco ’17

We regret to report that alum Brian Fusco '17, passed away on Aug. 20. As a nursing major, Fusco was able to touch the lives of numerous students through his commitment to wellness and awareness of childhood...

Catching the Wave with Donavon Frankenreiter

When you’re surfing, you find a quietness that only momentarily breaks as you catch the waves that bring you to your destination. However, as the patterns of waves change, so do you as you methodize exactly...

Dean Donald Gibson Named New Vice Provost

In addition to shifts in administrative roles such as the beginning of Mark R. Nemec, PhD’s term as Fairfield University’s ninth president and Dr. Richard Greenwald’s new role as Dean of the College of...