IRHA Presents A Month Of Fun

The month of March is here, which means that Fairfield University’s Inter-Residential Housing Association is getting ready to celebrate Community Pride Month! Students will get the chance to represent their...

A Magical Stag Snow Day

“Snow day!” These are quite possibly the two most exciting words that any student can hear. Just imagine: no classes, no homework, no responsibilities. There is only the beautiful white landscape created...

“Stuff A Stag” Was Stuffed With Fun

Christmas is in full swing here at Fairfield University. You will find a Christmas tree in just about every building on campus. You will hear Christmas music playing in the Tully. You will see lights and...

Christmas Shopping: Fairfield Edition

The Christmas season is officially upon us! This means it is time to pull out the Christmas decorations, pick out the tree, string up the lights and put on your favorite Christmas song.  Christmas is a...

Fun Activities Found On and Off-Campus

A common question that many Fairfield students, including myself, may find themselves asking as the weekend approaches is, “What can I do on the weekends if I don’t have a car on campus?”  It can be...