Constantly being around my friends and going to their rooms when I want to hang out is easily the best part of college. If I am ever lonely, chances are that there is someone in one of the dorms or in the...
#GetYourselfTested – During the month of April, Fairfield University’s Student Health Center in Dolan is offering free STI testing in honor of STI Awareness Month. #LestWeForget – On April 24,...
TIME 100 is an annual list of the most influential people in the American world. But after seeing the lineup for 2015, I am not convinced of the accuracy of who should be considered a worldwide, influential...
On April 12, 2015, Pope Francis led an Armenian-Rite Mass in recognition of the widespread killings of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire during the early 20th century. April 24, 2015 will mark 100 years since...
Although Hillary Clinton’s decision to run in the 2016 presidential elections was unsurprising for many people, I can honestly say that I was stunned by her campaign video. The former Secretary of State...
The recent backlash that erupted after model Kylie Jenner posted photos of herself on Instagram in what appeared to be skin-darkening makeup, but was actually dark lighting, is not an instance of racism as...
Recently, I have been seeing more and more celebrities on social media platforms such as Twitter complaining that their privacy is being invaded online and that the only solution is to deactivate their...
Gov. Dannel Malloy’s decision to ban state-funded travel from Connecticut to Indiana by signing an executive order this past Monday is the most intelligent action taken in response to Indiana’s recent...
Following the disbandment of the University of Oklahoma’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the expulsion of two of its fraternity members, the fraternity, also known as SAE, is considering unjustifiable...
Although the original “Star Trek” series aired during my parents’ youth, growing up around my uncles, proud “Trekkies” (to the extent that my one cousin is named Kirk, as in James T. Kirk, the...