Suffering from Stag Summer Sadness

Constantly being around my friends and going to their rooms when I want to hang out is easily the best part of college. If I am ever lonely, chances are that there is someone in one of the dorms or in the...

Reflections: Trending On and Off Campus

#GetYourselfTested – During the month of April, Fairfield University’s Student Health Center in Dolan is offering free STI testing in honor of STI Awareness Month. #LestWeForget  – On April 24,...

TIME 100 Focuses Too Closely on Trend-setters

TIME 100 is an annual list of the most influential people in the American world. But after seeing the lineup for 2015, I am not convinced of the accuracy of who should be considered a worldwide, influential...

A Lack of Awareness Perpetuates Racism

The recent backlash that erupted after model Kylie Jenner posted photos of herself on Instagram in what appeared to be skin-darkening makeup, but was actually dark lighting, is not an instance of racism as...

Gov. Malloy Responds to Indiana Law

Gov. Dannel Malloy’s decision to ban state-funded travel from Connecticut to Indiana by signing an executive order this past Monday is the most intelligent action taken in response to Indiana’s recent...