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Her Cocktail, His Beer

“Mayfair, or X-Pro? I can’t decide.” “Oh X-Pro, it makes you look so tan.” We all know this conversation, the one that takes place among our girlfriends when we’re looking for the perfect Instagram filter. Choosing the right filter is everything, because nothing is worse than the regretful feeling of “I should have went with Mayfair,” when you don’t rack up as many likes as you anticipated.
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Her Cocktail, His Beer

Every girl has a track star hidden within her who comes out when she’s waiting for a text from that one guy. Her phone could be set just a few feet away, but as soon as it starts to ring she is sprinting full force towards that 5-inch piece of aluminum thinking, “Yes, it’s him!” Poor girl. We know where this story ends, the phone is lighting up with many names, but never the one she wants.