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Front page issues

When surveying colleges as an incoming freshman, one tends to take into consideration factors such as athletic facilities, academic rigor and basic amenities such as food, housing and campus...
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Caricatures of themselves

“Deportations To Begin.” “New libel law targets ‘absolute scum’ in press.” “Bank glitch halts border wall work.” These headlines would have anyone look twice but in fact, these were...
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Culture is not weekly

In an age of American nationalism marred by the constant blemish of Islamophobia, it is more pertinent than ever to be understanding of one another’s culture. Given the constant stream of xenophobic rhetoric...
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Editorial Board: What we wish we knew

As April approaches, Fairfield will become the host to newly accepted students from all over the country. April happens to be one of the biggest months for seniors, as this is typically crunch time before the...

Fairfield loses to Hartford in home opener

Fairfield’s men’s baseball team suffered a tough loss against the University of Hartford in their home opener at Alumni Diamond on March 22. Fairfield (4-12) held their ground throughout the majority of...
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On Tuesday, the world watched as Brussels, Belgium dealt with the aftermath of a terrorist attack that left 31 dead and over 100 injured. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has already taken...