If you have been listening to the radio for the past couple of months, you’re probably sick of Meghan Trainor’s “All About That Bass” like the rest of the planet. But don’t worry - this sassy singer...
We all need friends to remain happy and healthy, an article from TIME magazine said. Within the article, Dr. Robin Dunbar describes studies in which she found that our brains can only hold connections with...
The new “Cinderella” movie opened in theaters on March 13 and reminds us how far women's portrayal in film has come since the movie's debut in 1950. This is obviously not the first remake of this classic...
I can remember being three years old, sitting on my twin sized bed with my sister and learning to read my first book. A Dr. Seuss book of course: it was “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.” This book...