Dear Molly – Coffee Break Editor and Salvatore – News Editor, Sandwiched between the Steubenville victim shaming, the upcoming Take Back the Night, and all amidst Women’s Month, was the “Her Cocktail,...
Kudos to Giovanna Giampa for her fine article “Students contemplate the core courses” (Mirror 2/6/13, p. 2). It was particularly praiseworthy to get the opinions of recent alumni, who effectively...
I fear for our country if many university students share Mr. O’Sullivan’s views (“Fairfield U: An apple with a rotten ‘core’”, Mirror 9/19/12, p. 8). Particularly frightening is his statement that...
Response to "Bridgeport Club Threatens Student Safety" To begin, I want to make clear that in no way is this a response to the writer of the article. I repeat: I am not attacking the person but...
To the Editor: I read with great interest last week’s article regarding the potential of a course exploring atheism (“Exploring the Alternative: Atheism at a Catholic University”). I...
To President Von Arx, I was moved by your gesture, in an email to the student body, encouraging us “to participate actively in the collective process to develop and support strategies that move...
February 8, 2012 To the students of Fairfield University, As the Inter-Residential Housing Association, we take pride in creating positive communities for all residents to feel at home in their...
To the Editor: As we continue to witness negative depictions of Muslims, it has become common for the media to misrepresent Islam and distort the Muslim image, often homogenizing a very diverse population...
To the Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to respond to the editorial opinion article, State of the University Address. As stated in the United States Constitution, everyone is entitled to...