A Balance to the Force

In recent years, film and media consumers have become increasingly peeved at the lack of female representation in movies, especially the lack of females serving as the lead characters in films. This is a...

Proceed with Caution

As you are sitting here reading this editorial, you aren't necessarily pondering upon the brevity of life, as worrying means you suffer twice according to our friend Newt Scamander in the film “Fantastic...

Do the Math

As college students, we’ve all endured years of countless mathematics courses that professors convinced us are practical and have been told numerous times that the knowledge gained from these classes will...

Vacation (All I Ever Wanted)

Stags, we have finally made it to the midway point of the semester. Whether you’re pretty much beat down from the onslaught of midterms that professors are trying to cram in during the course of the last...

Life On Mars?

“Is there life on Mars?” David Bowie posed this question to the masses in 1971 when the world was obsessed with the notion of life on other planets. On Feb. 22, NASA announced the discovery of the first...

Reflecting on the Future

Believe it or not, when the staff changes over come next month, we will be celebrating our 40th year of publication as the Fairfield Mirror. In light of this, we’d like to take a step back and reflect, no...

Editorial: “Much memes, so wow”

Scrolling down our news feeds, whether it be Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, it becomes apparent that politics is the dominant source of media that seems to infiltrate our consciousness, especially with the...

Hope Sparks Rebellion

In a nation marred with division over the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, civil rights activism was the answer for 3.2 million (and counting) men and women this past...

Respect in Rivalry Goes Both Ways

The long-lasting rivalry between Fairfield University and Sacred Heart University has served as a means of some healthy competition in the town of Fairfield, Conn. We’ve gone head-to-head in athletics,...

What You Don’t See

In a nation fraught with concerns over security in schools, the last thing many parents and students want on their mind is the possibility of an active shooter emerging from within the student body. While...