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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: We pay enough to have the snow cleared

To the Editor: I'm writing this letter to address something that I think everyone at Fairfield feels the same way about...the snow removal situation. Now, I completely understand that it's unusual to get this much snow in Connecticut, but come on, we couldn't even get out of our building on Sunday because the steps were pure ice.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fisher family seeks justice

To the Editor: It is with profound grief that we express our immense gratitude to all who have comforted us during this difficult time. Our nephew, Mark Fisher, was brutally killed on Oct. 12, 2003 in the Argyle Rd. section of Brooklyn, N.Y. This senseless killing has not only shattered his immediate family, but also his extended family.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Wal-Mart: The fruit of free enterprise

To the Editor: I do agree with Mr. Bond in a recent editorial that we should personally choose where we want to shop. Yes, I prefer the local hardware store to Home Depot. But I have the choice. What really gets me upset is when small towns pack their zoning boards with local political hacks to stop smart and well-managed business like Wal-Mart from being successful.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Registration is reasonable

To the Editor: After reading last week's article about students being angered by preferential registration, I felt compelled to reply. I am a University Fellows Scholar and receive preferential registration, and while the article presented some valid points, it failed to demonstrate the reason why the so-called "elite" students receive preferential registration.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Student defends undercover security officers

To the Editor: Last Thursday's article and editorial about security officers going undercover was disgraceful and unprofessional. I think it's very doubtful that anyone even bothered to check the "facts" of the story at all. I also think that Kyle Yasigian failed to fully inform those he was quoting about the real nature of the article and aforementioned "facts.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Police Lieutenant responds to column

To the Editor: Your article by Carleigh Brower, published 11/6/03, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..." and it's journalistic license discredits me personally, and compels a response. I have not, but if you wish, I am certain you are entitled to find out who called the police to lodge a complaint about your Halloween / birthday party.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Townhouse residents are unfairly limited access to buildings

To the Editor: I live in the townhouses and brought the issue of lack of access to the attention of several people in housing after I couldn't get into the apartments after the first week or two of school. I also wrote Fran Koerting (Director of Residence Life) and Mike Tortora (Coordinator of Information Services) an extensive (two page) e-mail outlining my concerns.