Let’s Talk (Taylor’s Version): Red

With its original release in 2012, Taylor Swift’s fourth album “Red” stood as the beginning of her venture into pop. “Red” itself was a patchwork quilt of different genres, writing styles and...

Cozy Additions To An Autumn Playlist

As we approach November and the weather is getting colder, a good fall playlist is nearly imperative for every moment. Whether it’s walking through campus to get to class, waiting for the Stag bus or driving...

Some Songs for the Summer Ahead!

Who else can’t wait for the consistently warm weather when we can blast a bunch of tunes and sing our hearts out? Well, it’s almost here, and I am so ready! The Amazon Alexa has made my life so much easier...

New Music Makes Waves in March

Music is often referred to as the ultimate form of escapism, and for good reason; no matter how rough circumstances get, music allows us the chance to tune the world out and tune into ourselves. With the...

Songs to Sling You Into Spring Break

With spring break coming up, I think it suffices to say that we are all excited for a little bit of down time. Whether you are living it up in Miami or Fort Lauderdale, Cancun or the Bahamas, I hope you get to...

Singles that Serenade the Charts

Every Friday one of my rituals is checking out the recent releases section of Spotify to see the latest and greatest in music for the week. Not only do I look through the recent releases, which showcases some...

Halsey’s Newest Album is “Manic”

I am going to be honest with you, readers. I love Halsey. I have loved her since she released “Badlands” back in 2015. Does that mean my article reviewing her new album “Manic,” released on Jan. 17, is...