Dear Miss Molly,

I’ve always wondered … do guys talk about girls as much as we talk about them?



Dear Curious,

Well, I really wish I could give you an answer that is 100 percent correct, but unfortunately I am not a guy. However, from my experience growing up with three older brothers and having a lot of close guy friends, I would have to say no. Girls tell each other everything. If a cute guy in their class does something as small as pick up her pencil, you better believe she will be sending out a mass text in 60 seconds to inform all her closest girlfriends.

Guys are much different. They’re much more private. Boys don’t like to be vulnerable and show emotions, so especially if they’re really into a girl, they’re not going to show it to many people. They don’t want to get made fun of by all their bros for being “whipped.” Guys have their select couple of “boys” that they’ll share all their lady drama with, but it definitely isn’t as wide-range as girls.

Nevertheless, don’t take this to mean guys never talk about girls. The male brain cannot help but notice when a beautiful girl walks by, and you better believe they talk to each other about it. Male conversation just isn’t as emotional as girls tend to be. Girls are generally just more expressive.

I hope that satisfies some of your curiosity.

Love always,

Miss Molly

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