Gone are the days of rolling into class hungover and hoping the teacher doesn’t talk too loud. Hello to the days of walking into classes with a pocket full of tissues and listening to students cough all through your class and wanting to punch out the student sniffling two rows and one seat over to the right. Just leave class and blow your nose already.

So it is that time of the year: All the partying and swapping spit of the first few weeks has finally caught up to us. The lack of sleep while we try to get our homework done amidst the rest of our busy lives filled with clubs and other activities comes at a cost, our health. Sitting in mass sunday night at 9:00 all you can here is students coughing, so to avoid being one of those falling sick here are a few tips and tricks for all of you savvy iPhone users so you don’t end up looking like BlackBerry girl whose keyboard I wouldn’t even touch.

I Might Just Make an iPhone App With These:

1. Don’t hook up with the girl you sit next to in English class on Thursdays (she blew her nose seven times in one class) when you are both drunk Friday night.

2. Drink some OJ when in Barone, free soda is great but it’s that time of year when some extra vitamin C is useful.

3. Sleep. As fun as it is staying out ‘til 3 a.m. multiple times during the week just because you can doesn’t mean you should. (unless you’re trying to put together The Mirror when 3 a.m. is early)

4. Beirut (Yes, we are not from Jersey). While in high school it’s lame to play with water, this time of year nobody wants swine flu so use water cups. (Just don’t cheat)

5. If you take Advil Cold and Sinus (a godsend) don’t drink. Sudafed and Dubra don’t mix well even five hours after you took it.

6. Clean your room. We have been at school now for about a month, and if you haven’t cleaned it once your just asking to get sick.

7. Rest up before Presidential Ball. Editor-in-Chief Peter Caty will be there and who wants to miss his dancing skills.

Now I know this is stuff your mom would tell you, well maybe she wouldn’t suggest drinking Dubra, cause who would. But if you don’t want to take my advice, might I suggest listening to BlackBerry Girl’s because she always seems to make a miraculous recovery come Friday night.

Sent From My iPhone

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