Four faculty staff members of Fairfield University spoke at a panel discussion Tuesday nigth organized by Fairfield University’s new anti-war group, critiquing the United States’ justification of going to war with Iraq.
Dr. Ralph Coury, Dr. Joy Gordon, Dr. Don Greenberg and Dr. Mark Andrejevic spoke about the history of the Middle East and the United States’ role, failed U.S. sanctions, terrorism and its relationship to war and media coverage about foreign and domestic issues.
A group of at least 50 Fairfield University students congregated in the School of Nursing to listen to these professors speak.
Greenberg said that the students did not have to leave the discussion believing everything they heard, but they should at least leave knowing they shouldn’t always trust the actions of the United States government.
Many students spoke about their own opinions, as well as asking a few questions.
“The goal was to allow teachers who oppose war on Iraq and have expertise on the subject matter to expose students to relevant information that isn’t in the mainstream media,” said Emmett Kearney, ’03, co-leader of the group.
“It was great to have all the professors speak of their knowledge on various issues pertaining to Iraq,” said James McCullagh, ’03, a member of the anti-war group.
The possibility of war with Iraq may have increased last week, as the nation sent its declaration of weapons to the United Natoins in New York.
President Bush wants to take preemptive military action to prevent Saddam Hussein from developing weapons of mass destruction, and tensions seem to be rising following the entrance into Iraq of United Nations weapons inspectors.
The group is planning to take a trip to Washington D.C. in January to protest the war. Anyone who is interested in joining the group or this effort, contact group founders Emmett Kearney at, or Eddie Feldheim, the group’s other co-leader, at
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