With the Leslie C. Quick, Jr. Recreation Complex under construction, the Fairfield community has had to find alternative ways to get their physical fitness in. Due to this construction, Fairfield introduced a new program this year called Fairfield Fit to offer alternative means of exercise, as well as to promote health and wellness on campus.
The Fairfield Fit program allows students, faculty and staff to attend free fitness classes at different locations around campus.
Currently, there are 29 fitness classes with the addition of another yoga class and cardio hop to be added soon, according to Betsy Blagys, operations assistant. “There is something for everyone. We accommodate all levels of fitness. The classes are not intense and the instructors are really approachable,” Blagys said.
Blagys, along with John Paladino, director of sport clubs and intramurals and associate director of recreation, and Allen Gibson, associate director of athletics and facilities and operations, are in charge of organizing and scheduling these classes around campus.
As of now, there are five current Fairfield student instructors, one recent Fairfield graduate instructor and six non-students. Blagys wants to encourage those who are interested to get their certification and become an instructor.
“We are looking to get as many students instructing classes. We want those who are passionate and licensed. It’s a great opportunity to teach on campus,” Blagys said.
The Recreation Department hopes that Fairfield Fit will grow into something more than a means to exercise. Paladino said, “We want to make fitness synonymous with wellness.” Blagys added, “We need to build on the wellness component and get nutritionists, stress management classes, etc.”
Blagys noted that the classes are attended by all grades; however, the majority of attendees are usually freshmen and sophomores. According to Blagys, the most popular class is yoga which attracts students of all grades.
Classes are held at Alumni Hall, Faber Hall, Dolan Hall and Campion Hall. Regis Hall is planning to host classes starting this week.
With the limited space on campus, the Recreation Department is excited for the opening of the new RecPlex to grow and expand their program. The new RecPlex is scheduled to be ready by September 2016, according to Paladino.
“With the new gym, we are looking to grow and improve our program. We’re definitely eager for the new space, and specialized fitness rooms,” Blagys mentioned.
While most of the classes will be held in the new RecPlex, some classes will continue to be held at the residential halls on campus for students who have found it convenient to attend a class in their dorms.
Sophomore Becca Quillard said, “I don’t have a car on campus, so the fact that I can just walk to one of these fitness classes whenever I want is really great. I live in Kostka so it’s great to just walk over to Faber and get my workout in.”
While there are various fitness opportunities nearby such as The Edge, SoulCycle and ZenRide, some students prefer the idea of taking a class with other members of the Fairfield community.
Juniors Brianna Meyer and Caroline Campanelli participate regularly in Robbie Hansen’s ‘17 Insanity classes on Tuesdays and Fridays.
“He pushes you, he’s really nice and it’s easier than going somewhere else,” said Meyer.
Campanelli added, “I wouldn’t do a workout like this on our own somewhere else. I like that it’s on campus with people you know.”
Other students prefer to utilize the fitness opportunities in town. Students mentioned that when they were informed the gym on campus would be under construction, they immediately signed up for a membership with The Edge.
Junior Caroline Gailius said that she prefers the atmosphere of a gym over a fitness class. “I like doing things on my own time and at my own schedule so having an Edge membership is perfect for me,” she said.
Junior Julia Vitti said that she goes to SoulCycle in town over the Fairfield Fit classes. “I just knew what I was getting with SoulCycle and do it at home a lot so I had only really considered doing that as opposed to the classes.”
According to Blagys, The Edge offered a special Fairfield student pricing this year in September but it has since been discontinued. ZenRide offers a student discount as well. With a student ID, students can purchase one class at $14 as opposed to the regular $18 or 10 classes at $125 as opposed to the regular $159. SoulCycle does not offer any special student discounts.
The StagBus schedule has changed this year to accommodate those underclassmen without their own means of transportation who signed up for Edge memberships.
For more information about Fairfield Fit and fitness opportunities in town, visit the Fitness and Recreation tab on Fairfield’s website.
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