The Fairfield University community is mourning the untimely death of student Julia Sill. The sophomore, who majored in Communication in the College of Arts & Sciences, was found in her Claver Hall dorm room Tuesday.
The Fairfield Police Department has reported that Sill was found with a self inflicted injury, and that there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death and no reason to believe that anyone else was involved.
Sill’s parents, who live in California, were notified of their daughter’s death early Tuesday morning. An email sent by Mark C. Reed, V.P. of Administration and Student Affairs, Tuesday afternoon notified the University community.
The University informed members of the Fairfield community that Counseling Services, Campus Ministry and Residence Life are available to those coping with this sad situation. Space in the third floor lounge in Claver Hall is also being set up for students to contact support services.
A prayer service for Sill will take place at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius of Loyola on Fairfield University’s campus.
Below is the contact information for University support services:
Counseling Services: 203-254-4000 ext. 2146
Campus Ministry: 203-254-4000 ext. 2550
Residence Life: 203-254-4000 ext. 4215
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