Three weeks after being indicted by a Bridgeport grand jury on seven counts of travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct and three counts of illicit sexual conduct in a foreign country, Douglas Perlitz ’92 will stand trial.
According to the U.S. District Attorney’s office, Perlitz will be arraigned on the charges on Thursday, Oct. 8 at 2 p.m. before U.S. Magistrate Judge Joan G. Margolis in New Haven.
Thomas Carson, the spokesman from the U.S. attorney’s office, would only confirm this information and that Perlitz will have new counsel when he gets to Connecticut. He would not comment on whether the University had been notified beforehand or if any other parties have been investigated.
The Connecticut Post reported last week that Perlitz will be housed in Central Falls, R.I. and that the district attorney’s office will ask Perlitz not to be released on bond.
According to the criminal docket for Perlitz’s case, he does not have counsel listed yet. Three U.S. district attorneys will be representing the United States in the case.
The case has been assigned to Judge Janet Bond Arterton.
Recap of indictment (selected points):
11. Between 2002 and 2008, slightly over $2 million was transferred from the Haiti Fund to an account that Perlitz controlled.
14. In order to persuade the children to comply with sex acts, Perlitz provided the promise of food and shelter and provided monetary and other benefits, including currency, cell phones and other electronics, shoes, clothing, and other items.
19. If minors refused to engage in sex acts, Perlitz would at times withhold benefits or threaten to expel them from the program.
31. After allegations of long-term sexual abuse by Perlitz surfaced, Perlitz used his relationship with a religious leader and influential Board Members to continue to conceal and attempt to conceal his illegal sexual conduct.
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