A potentially bigger and better act than Fairfield has ever seen is anticipated after it was announced announced at last week’s Senate meeting that the senators were allowing the FUSA Programming Board to bid as high as $50,000 on this semester’s spring concert. FUSA ended up bidding $40,000 for the Guster concert, and the fact that Senate is allowing the Programming Board to bid up to $50,000 this semester means that Fairfield could quite possibly get a more popular act than ever before. “To make it simpler, the bidding process is as follows,” said FUSA president Jess DiBuono ’06. “We, for FUSA, made a budget of $21,000 for our concert/major acts. However, for bidding, we place large bids of sums of anywhere up to $50,000 and make the money to cover that because of ticket sales.” Jon Velotta ’07, one of the directors in charge of picking the act for this semester’s spring concert, has said that FUSA has started to look at some acts. “I cannot say what acts we are looking at, only that we do our best to please the student body,” said Velotta. While this spring’s concert is public knowledge, anticipation is running high for what FUSA has in store for this semester’s concert. “We definitely need a better act than we’ve had in the past years,” said Michael Basta ’07. “We need someone everyone likes and using more money could do that.” April Salvaterra ’07 agreed. “With more money, I hope we can get a bigger act to come to campus,” she said. “I would really love to see O.A.R. play here before I graduate.” Some students have loftier dreams of what kind of acts we should get on campus. “Coldplay,” said Laura Heffernan ’07 said. “I’d like to see them come to campus…or at least someone like them.” Meaghan Donlon ’07 would just like to see someone comparable to past acts such as Dave Chapelle and Dane Cook. “I’m a huge fan of the comedy acts we’ve gotten at Fairfield,” she said. “It would be cool if we could get big names like that again.”

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