After long being called The Ham Channel, Fairfield’s student-run television station has changed its name to Stags TV.
Members of the club felt that “The Ham Channel” didn’t fully incorporate the news aspect of the station, according to Eve Seiter ’14, the President of Stags TV.
“We also wanted to reinvent our image. In the past, many students didn’t really know what the Ham Channel was,” Seiter said. “The name change gives us the opportunity to let students know our purpose here on campus, and also encourages them to come and get involved,” Seiter added.
The Ham Channel began producing television shows at Fairfield in 1995, and according to its website, it “has been the creative outlet for students to tell stories, report news, host talk shows and learn the ins and outs of television.”
This year, Stags TV aims to cover more events on campus, including discussions on new music and a cooking segment, according to Seiter.
The club has 30 members and 13 staff members who serve on the Steering Committee, which oversees each department within the station.
The name change was first proposed by Seiter herself, who met with the club’s Steering Committee to discuss the issue. After agreeing that The Ham Channel should be renamed, the staff held a contest in which students could send in potential names for the channel.
Daniel Bruno ‘13 won the contest, Seiter said, by submitting the name Stags TV. Another name that was submitted which was given consideration was Stag Nation Station.
For freshman, the television station is a great way to get involved in a club at Fairfield. With a new name and a fresh start, first year students who choose to be a part of Stags TV can contribute to the club going forward.
“As a freshman, it’s exciting to be a part of something new. It’s a great opportunity to put some skills to use for the real world,” said Caleigh O’Connor ‘17.
Douglas Daniels ‘14, a Stags TV member, said, “The name change from Ham Channel to Stags TV is an interesting idea. I feel that it helps to tie itself down with the rest of the Fairfield community.”
“I believe that [Stags TV] is heading for bigger, better things and I’m excited to see what happens next,” Daniels said.
After the new name was selected, the club had some work to do in regards to its merchandise, logo and website redesign, which will now be called
The Fairfield community seems to support the change. “If you are willing to change the theme of something in particular, why not change it around and see what options you have,” said Joe Patalano ’15.
The show, which airs on channel 64 and 65.1 in HD, is dedicated to new programming.
“Every week we shoot a new show and bi-weekly we edit the show and then we put it up,” said Seiter.
Stags TV participated at the activities fair on Friday and will hold its first meeting of the semester on Monday, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in Xavier Hall at Fairfield Preparatory School.
Seiter said the club wants “as many enthusiastic people about television as possible to join Stags TV.”
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