As if driving around trying to avoid ice and snow in the winter at Fairfield isn’t difficult enough, students now have a new obstacle to avoid, Fairfield Prep parents.

The flow of Prep parents on campus is not a new phenomenon, but their location on “Prep alley” (the road between the Prep and the Quick Recreation Complex) is a change this semester, with the opening of the new gym complex this past fall. During the evening hours on weekdays, upwards of half a dozen Prep parents can be seen waiting on either side of this road, almost entirely blocking traffic.

In previous years, Prep students had their locker rooms located in Alumni Hall.

“We are aware of some weekday traffic congestion in that area since the new gym was opened,” said Frank Ficko, associate director of security.

There are fire lane signs located in front of the Prep to attempt to prevent parents and students from waiting in the area and blocking traffic, there are no such signs in front of the gym.

Students are not happy with this new traffic issue.

“I’d rather run errands at an inconvenient time for me than risk getting side-swiped by a soccer mom in a minivan who seems to think she is the only one who has places to go and things to do,” said Caitlin Winters ’05.

“God forbid any of the college students have access to the roads on our campus when it’s a time for the Prep kids to be picked up,” said Winters.

The issue of traffic congestion with the dismissal of Prep students from school is not new.

“Prep pick up for students and athletes has always been a little congestion problem,” said Robert Harris, athletic director at Fairfield Prep. Harris added that in the past parents would often meet children up near Lessing Field to try to eliminate congestion in front of Alumni Hall.

According to Harris, the vast majority of students drive themselves, so their cars are located behind the school, but he can see where the issue of parents picking up kids has shifted a bit.

Fairfield Prep has no official policy for athlete pick-up following practices.

Although Harris said that the Prep has not noticed a congestion problem, they are willing to work with Fairfield security, and the Prep wants to do anything they can to minimize issues.

Ficko said there has been one accident reported in the “Prep alley” since the gym opened, but it was during snowy conditions. However, he said he would rather not wait for an incident either.

Fairfield security will be looking into the matter and will take corrective measures if necessary.

Richard Magdon, director of operations for Fairfield Prep, could not be reached for comment.

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