While browsing on my Sunday hangover cure, Facebook, I became baffled when I discovered that “Wall To Wall” was gone. Quite possibly one of the greatest unchanged Facebook features since I joined Facebook in early 2006, has been changed by Mark Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg is once again dictating what we are able to “like” or unable to “dislike” and other ways we interact with our friends on Facebook. Many Facebook users, by now, will have realized that “Wall To Wall” has disappeared and been replaced with “Friendships,” the newest way to stalk people. Let the “Pages” and “Groups” voicing their distaste for this feature begin.

Here’s how it works. When one is a mutual friend with two people on Facebook they are able to view the two users’ “Friendship,” Facebook’s way of documenting the two users’ interactions together. This includes photos they are both in, wall posts and comments between them, pages liked, mutual friends, and even events attended together.

In my exploring Friendships between people I knew, including family members, I realized it doesn’t really depict my true “Friendships,” but just ones most active on Facebook.

The most annoying part of this entire change however, is the loss of being able to write on someone’s wall after clicking “Wall To Wall” to see the most recent wall posts. “Wall To Wall” allowed me to see the back and forth I had with a person and would even be allowed to write directly back on the person’s wall, something no longer possible in “Friendships.”

“Friendships” is not as drastic a change as “News Feed” and “Most Recent” which were accosted for being a stalker’s dream. However, it is once again making our interactions on Facebook much more visible and easier to view. Simply another reminder that everything we put on Facebook is on Facebook for everyone to see.

This marks the three largest changes that Facebook has added since the start of first semester. The addition of “New Groups” and higher quality photos are two more features Facebook has given us to aid our procrastination. These features have been slowly adopted by college students, but neither is as influential as the addition of “Friendships,” a concept that has been around for thousands of years but that Facebook has now redefined.

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