Girls seem to be sending in the bulk of the questions, so I’m going to pamper them for this column. Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls I do adore…

Why do guys who want to hook up with you act all interested, and then if you turn them down they pretend like you don’t even exist? If you were so interested before what’s the big deal?

-Access denied

So they want a little somethin’ somethin’ and you give them a nothin’ nothin’, and then they’re interest in you is as strong as their interest in PBS pledge drives.

Rejection sucks, no doubt about it. So if a guy is interested in you, and you turn him down, he’s bound to be at least a bit perturbed. But that doesn’t explain the I-hooked-up-with-you-and-that’s-all attitude either.

Depending on where you ran into this guy, it could just be that his mental state (read: drunk) made him decide that you’re the flavor of the moment. Depending on what kind of state he’s in (read: really drunk), he might not even remember his advances. This is one of those sorry situations where the hookup might have been the goal, and the girl didn’t matter.

It would be a different story if he’s been interested in you for awhile, but if he’s been giving you the eye, and sex is the only thing he can come up with to try to get your attention, you’re better off not dating him – you’d have more fun on a date with Dick Cheney.

Oh, you people need to stop reading into my choice of names.

Why do freshmen guys stalk upperclassmen girls? Don’t they have better things to do with their time?

-Harassed and harrumphed

Don’t you like it when immature boys with nothing better to do decide that you’re the object of their weird affections?

Yeah, sounds really attractive.

While they probably deserve an A for effort in showing their interest in you, they’re showing an F in approach. (Now that’s a report card you wouldn’t want to take home to mom.) As I’ve stated in this column previously, freshmen guys usually get shunned the most by girls, and ESPECIALLY upperclassmen. Taboos running rampant, many girls see dating a younger guy as something they aren’t willing to take on.

But, there’s really nothing wrong with it as long as the girl’s willing to break a barrier or two and the guy has at least an IQ that’s a tenth of Anna Nicole Smith’s. If you’re willing to give it a go, and the guy obvious is, go for it. As long as: 1. He’s not doing it to boost his rep, 2. He’s not out just for the al-key-hol, and 3. The use of the word “stalk” was at least a slight exaggeration.

Why do girls bash on guys so much? It seems like that girls are always complaining about us, especially in your column (way to stand up for us guys there, Joshie). We can’t really be that bad.

-Kicked in the groin

I can honestly say that I don’ t think guys are bad. But then again, unless Joshua is a female name, I’m probably not the least biased person in the room.

I don’t think that it’s a one way street though. Guys bash girls all the time, and for odd various reasons. It’s sort of like a lottery drawing. The ball comes up (no pun intended), and the random number that comes out is the joke of the moment against girls or guys.

Our differences are what allows this amusing activity to happen. And please tell me that you haven’t gotten into a facetious argument with a girl over your differences. I think that just makes the game of life a little more interesting. (It sure isn’t the massive textbooks we carry around.)

That’s the kind of thing you just have to take in stride. Remember, for every guy joke out there, there’s a girl joke just waiting to be told. So did you hear the one about the blonde who was walking down the street?…

Have a question you want answered? E-mail and he may answer your question in a future A Word of Advice. Questions are answered every Monday and Thursday. All questions answered in the column were submitted by college-age students and may have been edited for length and/or content.

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