At an average party, you will find a beer pong game, a line around the table, a hostile crowd around the keg and arguments stemming from unknown freshmen who continue to show up uninvited.

Only the great parties, the ones that come few and far between, have the game that defines the very foundation of your newfound college friends: ‘Never Have I Ever.’

Seriously, what other game combines sitting down, drinking beer and telling friends about the lewd and scandalous behavior you have participated in? It doesn’t get much better than avoiding those awkward past experience questions by throwing it out during a round of ‘Never Have I Ever.’

If you have your eyes set on one girl (or guy), you can find out how many times they’ve been around the block as you continue to get them drunk; now, please tell me what’s better and easier than that.

After aimlessly shooting questions and surveys at any students who crossed my path and being shot down after every attempt to pry into the history of my peers’ best and worst ‘Never Have I Ever’ experiences, I turned to good friends, friendly acquaintances and drunk party-goers and was able to gather some fine answers to the famous question, “What haven’t I done?”

I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 things asked during the duration of the average ‘Never Have I Ever’ game. Please remember that these statistics might vary depending on the time of night the game is being played, how close you are to kicking the keg, or if you are in search of another townhouse that still has some kind of alcohol stashed away in a backpack hidden in the closet.

Starting from No. 10, the most popular statements made during ‘Never Have I Ever’ are as follows:

10) Had sex while roommate was present
9) Performed sexual acts with the same sex
8) Had sex in a public place
7) Performed sexual acts during times of menstruation
6) Had sex on the first date
5) Made out with more than one person in one night
4) Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend
3) Had a threesome
2) Consumed drugs other than weed
1) Had anal sex

So, next time you’re at a party and the beer is flowing like water, the beer pong balls are crushed and the cards are lost, grab a group of drunk people, sit in a circle and tell each other about some things you’ve never done. Who knows where it will go?

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