For the next week, the Kelley Center will be full of frantic students searching for last-minute class codes, PINs and asking various questions about their schedules for next semester. Registration is just an added anxiety to our already hectic college lives.

The registration system at Fairfield often has many glitches, and it seems that simply good fortune results in the amazing schedule that students strive for. Every grade has benefits and setbacks in the registration process.

As freshmen, we had no idea what we’re doing. What website do I use? How quickly can I type in my CRNs? Do my classes overlap? The list goes on and on.

One important tip for freshmen: Breathe, take your time and relax. You will get it figured out. You will enroll in appropriate classes next semester. And you will figure out how to graduate on time.

Sophomore year still has its stresses. As we establish our majors and look for some potential minors, we hope that we are signing up for the most optimal teachers and the best time codes.

The golden year for registration is junior year. By this time, we have mastered the system. We know that class before 11 is a horrible idea and that this teacher is much more entertaining than that one. It is a breeze to sign on to the website, enter the CRNs, finalize registration and view our weekly schedule for next semester.

While seniors are at the top of the totem pole for most things, registration is not one of them. The more we talk to our peers, the more we realize the difficulties in finding classes to fulfill our four-class requirement. See, freshmen? It will be fine.

Seniors are forced to look outside their major and even minors to find interesting and relevant classes that will show potential employers that we didn’t completely give up at the end of senior year. Fortunately for us, we most likely know professors that we can contact after registration should anything terrible occur.

As the next week approaches, freshmen and sophomores, don’t hesitate to reach out to upperclassmen or advisers for help.

Juniors, enjoy the easiest registration of your college career; and seniors, best of luck signing up for those late, fun and intellectually stimulating classes that freshmen dream of taking.

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