It’s that time of year again, folks: The yellow teacher evaluation sheets are circulating. Group projects are running rampant.
The Quad is full of students who should probably be in class, but instead are playing Frisbee or blasting music from their dorm windows.
Summer is coming.
As this semester draws to a close, we at The Mirror will be saying a lot of goodbyes.
The seniors have been helping us make a smooth transition to the new staff for the last few weeks; because of them, we’re prepared to take the reins next fall. The student body, now with another year of Fairfield experience under our belts, is prepared to open our school to the incoming class of 2018.
Never far in our thoughts is the class of 2014, but as time presses forward, so too shall we. It seems like a while from now, but it won’t be long before this Editorial Board will say goodbye to Fairfield.
With that in mind, reflecting can be a good thing to do.
This year we said goodbye to Mentor and we could be saying goodbye to Sodexo.
Things change, whether they are for the better or worse.
The important thing to note is that while things are changing, that also gives us the opportunity to both look back and forward.
We can see from where we are coming and we can look to how this change will affect our future.
We are losing friends as the class of 2014 commences, but right around the corner is an opportunity for new beginnings with the incoming freshman class.
We are losing peers and colleagues at The Mirror, but at the same time, we are looking forward to the opportunities ahead of us with our new staff.
The lacrosse field is being revamped to a higher lever stadium status, and 42 Bellarmine Road has been renamed Faber Hall.
Next year, The Mirror will continue to reflect the student body and foster dialogue between students and administration.
Just as we are a reflection of the students, we sincerely hope that the administration will be able to foster an open window with their students.
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