CHEERS to Fairfield athletics doing so well in the NCAA’s report from the 2003-4 school year in regards to graduation rates. At some of the bigger schools, such as UConn, athletics often take more prominence than the true purpose of college, which is education.

Fairfield has always been keen to follow the Jesuit tradition and encourage student-athletes to become well-rounded individuals without sacrificing either aspect of their lives. However, these recent statistics really are not too important, as the school acknowledges. They are just from the sample size of one year, and even though we did better than other schools, we also face different factors. While UConn saw many players leave to transfer to other programs or move on to the NBA, Fairfield’s team remained intact, with no one leaving early.

Still, the entire athletics department here should be commended for making sure that the Jesuit ideals of the school remain, but also has to make certain to strive to maintain, or exceed, the current numbers.

CHEERS AND BOOS to the Aloysius P. Kelley, S.J. Administrative Center. It may be the best thing we’ve ever associated with Fr. Kelley’s name. The entire editorial staff has memories of running frantically all over campus during the beginning of a new semester trying to change classes, turn in the tuition bill and straighten out a financial aid problem. This more than solves that problem. Moreover, it’s a professional and convenient way to greet any visitors who may come to campus.

However, while the university was centralizing services, they might have chosen a few that students use more than a few times per year. For instance, the Health Center is still up at Dolan, a far walk for anyone who might need medical services. Computing and Networking Services also resides in Dolan and would do well to be closer to the majority of students.

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