In a time when more and more Americans are becoming disenchanted with the political system, The Mirror feels it is now more important than ever for students to take an active part in politics by voting in the upcoming elections this Tuesday.With so much being said about the current fisticuffs going on between FUSA and SBRA, we at The Mirror have to ask ourselves, what’s the big deal?
The SBRA probably should have realized a few people were going to balk at a $110 event, but then again, it seems like students who do decide to attend will reap the benefits of that extra cash. So, in an effort to adress complaints (whether it was one or a billion doesn’t matter) FUSA has decided to host another event at a much lower cost.
Let’s not kid ourselves, folks. If ticket sales to 200 Nights have been sluggish, it can hardly be blamed on people opting for the FUSA sponsored event instead. College students are cheap; it’s a fact of life. Shouldn’t we instead be applauding FUSA for stepping up and doing something?
So for now, why don’t we stop complaining about FUSA infringing on SBRA’s turf and just be happy that at a school “where nothing happens” seniors will have one more event to attend this year.
In the words of Ralph Nader, the Green Party’s 2000 presidential candidate and longtime public advocate, “If you don’t turn on to politics, politics will turn on you.” These words are truer today than they ever were.
Too often, young people feel that they should not vote because the political system does not affect them. All political issues affect the entire voting population, and arguably young people more than anyone.
Although issues such as prescription drug care for the elderly are currently prominent subjects, it is important for students to realize that matters such as this, at a glance not even remotely related to student concerns, are important not only because they affect the well-being of the nation in the long run, but also because there is no one of voting age around now who will be around longer than students.
Issues that seem to only affect elderly people are put on the political front-burner because elderly people have the highest voter turnout every election. If students and other young people turned out to vote in high numbers every election, one could expect to see politicians buttering up to people our age instead.
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