As Thursday evening approaches O.A.R fans prepare for a flood of good music to flow through Alumni Hall. A similar pick to last year’s Guster, O.A.R arrives to a campus of mixed feelings.

A true fan and O.A.R guru at heart, Adam Zandonella ’09 has been planning for Thursday’s concert for weeks.

“I am pumped for this concert. My friends and I try to make it an annual get together every summer. I am excited about this concert because it gives us another chance to get together while we are all at school.”

O.A.R’s music, a blend of upbeat songs will be performed live for a campus full of roaring fans. On tour for most of their career, O.A.R will only visit two college campuses during this particular tour, Fairfield being the second.

Their next stop is Madison Square Garden, a dream come true for any band who began playing in the dorm rooms of Ohio State University. They struggled to develop their music and fan base, thrilled to perform at local theatres in Ohio. They now perform at the epitome of venues with sold out crowds and ecstatic fans.

Although O.A.R fans are thrilled about the band’s arrival, the glaring similarities between the bands chosen in the recent past are reason for students’ dissatisfaction.

Drew Marden ’09 thinks that “O.A.R is a better choice in bands then there has been in the past.”

He continues, “I still think that there are more popular bands that Fairfield could get… I would rather see a comedian than O.A.R – something in a completely different spectrum.”

Jillian Eichler ’09 agrees with Zandonella, saying “I think it’s really cool that they’re coming because they’re a really popular band.”

Needless to say, most of campus anticipating Thursday evening’s concert. At 7 p.m. the doors to Alumni will open and fans will pour in to enjoy a night of bright music from O.A.R.

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