February 8, 2012
To the students of Fairfield University,
As the Inter-Residential Housing Association, we take pride in creating positive communities for all residents to feel at home in their residence halls. We, as an organization, felt it was extremely important to address the act of racism within our fellow residents’ home. The recent event in Claver Hall proves that racism, although it does not necessarily manifest itself in violence, exists at Fairfield University.
As Dean Donoghue and Father von Arx have expressed, there is no tolerance for discrimination at Fairfield and IRHA would like to speak out against this blatant intolerance. Apathy or dismissal of this event is unacceptable.
We, as Fairfield students, need to address the issue of prejudice head on. While some of you may feel that this issue does not affect you or your life, we would like to ask you to rethink your reasoning. Derogatory statements affect everyone; words and symbols are just as powerful as actions and can convey hurtful messages in a space where all are welcome and should feel safe. We cannot be bystanders in this context.
IRHA continues to create inclusive groups of all residents and encourages the rest of the Fairfield University student body to not become indifferent to such an act, but become proactive in creating viable solutions to this ongoing injustice.
Thank you,
The Inter-Residential Housing Association Executive Board
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