To the Editor:
I am just writing to say that I was extremely disappointed when I picked up my copy of The Mirror this morning and I opened it to find that it is almost entirely about what was written in the “He Said” column last week. I think that this much attention to this issue is absolutely unnecessary.
I understand that some people were offended by this column, but it is really not that big of a deal. I am a female student at this school and my roommate and I had a great laugh about that column, we thought it was witty and hilarious and all-around enjoyable to read. I have to ask a question ask of the people who are getting so upset by this: do you not watch movies like American Pie, Superbad, the Ugly Truth and Knocked Up? Do you find them funny and entertaining? If you answered yes to those questions, then I am curious as to what the problem is here.
Mr. Surette didn’t say anything that those movies don’t and I think he was even a little more polite than they were. Is it because he is a real person here and not some Hollywood producer? This is really baffling to me. Or do you all write letters to those production companies and protest their movies? They seem to be free to say what they want and we listen. So what is the difference here? I’m not really seeing one. I am also disappointed that there seems to be nothing much to write about this week. I heard questions about what prospective students and parents would think about Fairfield when they read that column. Well, now I have to ask what they will think about us now. What will they think of us that we let something this small and trivial affect us so much. This issue should not be getting this much attention. That column is meant to be entertaining. It should just be left alone. I know that I am not alone that i look forward to reading “He said/She said” every week. Lets not make this a huge deal now please.
Corie Hutter ’12
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