During an interview with CNN, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan divulged that he cast his ballot on Nov. 1 for Donald Trump for president of the United States. Many people are on the defense after hearing this, claiming that he voted “racist.” The 2016 Presidential Election was a long battle for Ryan. He threw his support behind Trump early on, in what seemed to be “for the good of the Republican party.” However, as more scandals broke, he condemned many things that Trump did and said in the public eye. Although I do not support Trump, I can appreciate that Ryan stuck to not only his word, but also to the Grand Old Party.
I think that Ryan’s decision to cast his vote for Trump shows a lot of perseverance and that it is a good example of GOP leadership following through on their promises. Another positive outcome of Ryan’s vote is that he shows that he is a man who sticks to his word. I believe that is something that should be respected in a politician, especially the speaker of the house.
In an election where party lines were blurred and people started jumping ship from both parties, I think that it’s reassuring for the Republican party to see one of their leaders acting upon his previous commitment. The Republican party may need an autopsy after its deterioration following the backing of a candidate, who at his roots, is not authentically a Republican. However, when the time comes for the party to reflect, I think that it will be beneficial to have someone like Ryan in a position of power. As a man of his word, he wields more power within the party.
After a crazy election season with a Republican nominee who went back on many things that he said in the public eye, I think that it is a good thing to have a speaker of the house who stands by his statements. Ryan referred to Trump as “our nominee,” further showing the connectedness that the party needs to maintain. Although there will be Republicans and Democrats alike who will further rebuke Ryan for voting for Trump, I think that it was a smart political move.
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